Common Focuses Of LGBTQ Therapy

Members of the LGBTQ community suffer from unique mental health issues, many of those issues directly related to the patient's sexual identity. LGBTQ therapy can treat these mental issues with particular attention to incorporating LGBTQ concerns in therapy sessions. Learn more about some of the most common focuses of LGBTQ therapy.  

1. Suicide Ideation 

Queer citizens don't always receive the warmest welcome from other people. In many cases, they experience bullying and outright discrimination. These social rejections combined with the emotional turmoil occurring inside some LGBTQ patients can lead to suicidal thoughts and planning. Therapists will work to identify suicidal ideation and provide patients with coping mechanisms that can give the patients tools to talk themselves down from dangerous situations. 

2. Identity Crises

Some people know their sexual orientation from an early age. Other people repress their own sexual identity to appease their own thoughts of what their future life should look like. A therapist can help these patients discover their true authentic selves and how to portray their authentic selves to others.

Some people even discover a gender identity crisis. Gender dysmorphia disorder refers to people with male genitalia who identify as a woman or vice versa. A therapist will guide this person through their options, including gender transition. Gender transition requires therapy approval and significant time with a therapist. 

3. Depression and Anxiety 

Depression and anxiety affect people all over the world, but the LGBTQ community experiences depression and anxiety even more than most communities. In order to treat depression and anxiety, therapists may use psychotherapy techniques, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR). In some cases, therapists may also prescribe medication to treat symptoms.

4. Family Issues

Some families don't accept their gay family members, even in 2023. A therapist can help bring families together without forcing the patient to compromise their newfound authentic self. Alternatively, a therapist can help a patient determine when a relationship stops being healthy. The therapist can help the patient set proper boundaries with family before finally finding ways to reconcile. 

Getting LGBTQ therapy gives queer patients the support they need. The services can also create a sense of support and community, especially for patients who don't have a large support system. Whether the patient needs mental health maintenance once a week or high-intensity therapy to deal with serious issues, LGBTQ support therapy can be the answer. 

Contact a local LGBTQ therapy service to learn more. 
