3 Signs You Should See A Counselor After The Loss Of A Loved One

Even though death is an unavoidable part of life, dealing with grief after the loss of a loved one can be difficult. From denial and sadness to depression and anger, the various emotions a person will feel after a loved one's death can be overwhelming. Thankfully, help is available if you are experiencing enormous grief. Here are a few signs that you should consult a counselor to deal with your grief.

Grief Is Affecting your Daily Life

Sadness is normal after your loved one's death, but if this sadness or other emotions are affecting your daily life for long periods of time, it may be time to meet with a grief counselor.

In many cases, depression can set in, resulting in you lying in bed all day and reducing your ability to work, complete simple household chores, or take care of your family. Although it is fine to feel your emotions, your grief should not keep you from your regular life on a long-term basis.

Counselors can help you find a way to cope with the emotions of your loved one's death in a way that allows you to continue living your life.

Grief Is Causing Suicidal Thoughts

Again, feeling sad and depressed is normal after a loved one's death. However, if this sadness has turned into a severe depression that is causing you to have suicidal thoughts, seeing a counselor is imperative. In addition, there are some people who believe suicide will allow them to "be with" or see their loved one again, but it is important to know that suicide is NOT the answer.

If you are experiencing severe depression or thoughts of suicide, contact emergency services immediately or the suicide prevention hotline at 1800-273-8255.

Grief Is Preventing You from Other Relationships

Everyone deals with grief in their own ways. Unfortunately, many people will avoid any and all communication and interactions with others after the loss of a loved one. These individuals may want to avoid forming or enjoying relationships with other family members and friends because they are worried about another person whom they care about passing away.

If your grief is preventing you from forming or enjoying relationships with others, talk to a counselor since this could be a sign of depression. Remember that loved ones who are still living can be beneficial to your emotional well-being, especially while you are dealing with your grief.

The loss of a loved one is not meant to be easy, but counseling with a professional like Barbara Saban, LCSW can help you deal with your grief in the healthiest manner possible.
