FAQs From Those First Considering Ibogaine Treatment

If you have been struggling with addiction, depression, or an eating disorder and have not gotten any relief from various conventional treatments, then it may be time to explore another option: ibogaine. Since ibogaine is a psychoactive substance and a bit unconventional, most patients have a few questions when they first start to consider whether the treatment is right for them. Hopefully, the content below answers at least the majority of those initial questions running through your mind.

Why do you have to leave the U.S. for ibogaine treatment?

Ibogaine is not yet approved as a treatment for depression and other mental health disorders in the United States. This does not mean it is not effective — the U.S. is simply slow to change its laws and regulations. Ibogaine has been used successfully in many other countries, including Mexico, for years. Hopefully, one day it is approved for use in the U.S., but until then, those who want to enjoy its benefits will have to travel. Luckily, most treatment facilities are set up to accommodate those who have come a long distance. When you sign up for an ibogaine treatment program, it generally includes housing and meals for the time you spend in treatment.

How long will you have to stay at the treatment center?

Ibogaine treatment sessions usually last a few days, but this does vary somewhat between patients. When you call the treatment center, you can discuss your case and symptoms with a practitioner, and they will tell you the length of treatment that seems most appropriate. Most patients do not need to stay longer than a week. 

What are the risks involved with ibogaine treatment?

Like all medications, ibogaine does come with some potential risks and side effects. It raises the heart rate and may therefore be unsafe for patients with heart disease or heart rhythm disorders. Make sure you tell your practitioner if you have a heart-related condition prior to treatment; they can determine whether or not it is safe for you to undergo ibogaine therapy.

There are some other minor side effects such as nausea and headaches. These can be minimized by strictly following the diet plan recommended to you by the practitioner prior to and during treatment.

Ibogaine treatment is becoming more common for patients with depression and other related mental health conditions. To learn more, contact an ibogaine treatment center near you, and start a conversation. 
